
Showing posts from March, 2013

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visit : contact : 09966871942(Rao)   Bond : The important assumption made in the theory of reinforced concrete is that there is a perfect bond between steel and concrete.they have to act together with out any slip. due to bond only the force will be transeferred to the steel from the surrounding concrete and to concrete from steel. Bond stress : Bond stress is the shear stress acting parallel to the bar on the interface between the reinforcing bar and the surrounding concrete.hence,it is the stress developed between the contact surface of steel and concrete to keep them together.its resists any force that tries to pull out the rods from the concrete. Bond is developed due to combined effect of a) adhesion between concrete and steel b) friction (provided by gripping of bars due to shrinkage of concrete) c) interlocking of ribs in bars with concrete Bond stress depends on grade of concrete,diameter of the bar,bar profile cond...

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visit : contact : Rao(09966871942) General Design Requirements for Slabs as Per IS 456-2000 1. Effective Span : the effective span of a simply supported slab shall be taken as clear span plus effective depth of the slab or center to center distance between the supports which ever is less the effective span of a cantilever slab shall be taken as its lenght ot he face of the support plus half the effective depth except where it forms the end of a continous slab where the lenght to the centre of support shall be taken. 2. Limiting Stiffiness : the stiffness of slabs is governed by the span to depth ratio. As per Clause 23.2 of IS 456 for spans not exceeding 10 m, the span to depth ratio should not exceed the limits given below   Cantilevers - 7  Simply supported -20 contiuous -26 Depending upon the type of steel and percentage of steel, the above values have be modified for two ways slabs,the shorter span should be used for cal...

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visit : contact : Rao(09966871942) Types of Slabs: Depending up on the ratio of longer span to short span the slabs are classified into a)one way slab b)two way slab a) one way slab : slabs which are supported on all four edges the ratio of longer span to the shorter span is greater than 2 are calles as one way slabs. one way slabs bends in one direction i.e. along the shorter span and hence it needs main reinforcement in one direction only to resist one way bending how ever minimum reinforcement known as distributin steel is provided along the longer span above the main rinforcement to distribute the load uniformly and resist temperature and shrinkage stresses b) two way slab : when the slabs are supported on all the four edges and the ration of longer span to the shorter span is less then or equal to 2,the slabs are likely to bend along the two spans and such slabs are called as two way slabs. the load is transferred in both the directi...